Energy Policy, By The Numbers
Heavyweight physics prof weighs into climate/energy scrap [printer-friendly] | The Register
Read the daily reports on what to do to counter high gas prices, and
you'll see the importance of magic in US energy strategy. A rich
variety of schemes have been put forward, literally within weeks of the
gas crunch, delivered with the traditional slogan that occurs to every
editorial writer who believes children's fairy tales about American
ingenuity and exceptionalism.There must be a new Manhattan Project!
...he made a point of saying the biggest worry isn't what we put in our cars, but what we put in our power plants.However, Hansen pointed out that we do own a lot of coal, and he says that's where we can make a big difference -- if we choose not to burn it.
"Practically, I don't see how we can stop putting the oil in the atmosphere, because that's owned by Russia and Saudi Arabia," he advised the House committee on global warming. "We can make our vehicles more efficient, but that oil is going to get used and it's going to get in the atmosphere . . . and it doesn't really matter much how fast we burn it.
Silverlight is going to support Ruby as a browser scripting language alternative to JavaScript, reports eWeek.
In my last gig in the private sector, I used to worry about things like paging memory into graphics-card address space and implementing Bresenham's algorithm across multiple APIs and trying to figure out what a next-generation architectural CAD system would look like.
I am a pretty avid biker -- bicyclist, that is. You wouldn't necessarily know it to look at my plush torso, but I normally bike quite a lot for both transportation and fun. In the past year, I have had two major crashes, both of which I've written about here; October engendered some interesting head injuries, and in April I managed to lacerate my liver and crack some ribs. (I look pretty damned perky in the photo taken about 24 hours later, but I was still drenched with narcotics at that point.)
Unlike Jeff Atwood, I will not kill you if you touch one of my screens.