Go Join EAA, Already!

Do you fly or love airplanes? Have you joined the Experimental Aircraft Association? Please allow me to invite you to do so.
(If need be, I'll do the inviting with a mallet, but I hope you'll just do it.)
Aviation advocacy, the whole homebuilding movement (which has been to general aviation progress what open source has to software development), the greatest airshow in the world...EAA really is the nuts. If it weren't for EAA, my wife and I might have never learned to fly -- she was inspired to learn aerobatics from watching the Christen Eagles way back in 1985. One of my great regrets is that my dad and I never went to Oshkosh; my two kids have been haunting the show since they were in strollers.
I was motivated to post this little PSA at this particular moment in time based on an interaction I just had with one of their membership services people. It's a long and tangled story, involving a previous goof with registration at Airventure some time back and the staff's valiant attempts to unscrew the screwup. Which eventually fell afoul, I suspect, of their databases and IT.
The upshot was that I gave up my ancient, prideful 6-digit EAA number in order to renew my membership. Oh well, I thought.
Suddenly, long after the whole thing had faded from my mind, into the fray wades Terri The Membership Services Goddess. She digs up all the details, figures out a way to make it work, re-ups my old number so that it's current, makes sure that I even get a new membership card...
...and gives me a year of free membership for my trouble, just because someone a LONG way back in the chain had promised to do so. (She had only my word that the conversation ever happened, as far as I know.)
So here's to ya, Terri. Thanks, and may your fanatic devotion to your members never fade.
And as for the rest of you: Go sign up. They'll take good care of you. See you at OSH!